Hello, I am Greaseball and this is where you can find my accounts on other websites. You can also find out more about me.If Greaseball is a little too long to type, you can call me any of the following..Grease, GB, Geeb, Boss, Bossman,
Yard Master, Yard Lead, Leader, Lead...
You know how it goes... if you have any other nicknames for me, then you can tell me about them by sending me An Ask on Tumblr so I can see if I like them. If I do, I'll add them here.Artwork by Tabooiart on Tumblr


I am known as Greaseball to many... My working name as a passenger engine is The Pacific Daylight, It is also the name of my Passenger service.#8411 is my engine number at Union Pacific. #4003 is my number when I am at Apollo Victoria. #0520 Is my international race number when Races aren’t hosted in the US.
I am a diesel-electric locomotive with a pure bred engine AI. My frame houses two powerful diesel motor generators. I was designed for passenger train pulling and taking charge of various activities of the yard through my programming. I was built for one of UP’s anniversary celebrations.
Known by many as “Leader of the Rolling Stock”, I oversaw a portion of Union Pacific Bailey yard’s operations with an engine named Golden Spike by my side. Union Pacific sent me to the Apollo Victoria Yard to partake in the World Championship Railroad Race to promote UP as the best of the breed as the mighty diesel engine that I am.


I am a fictive alter.
My pronouns are He/Him.
I am Twin Motor Diesel Passenger Locomotive.
My frame is considered 'Intersex' by human standards.
'Omnisexual' is the closest word to my sexuality.
I manifested on June 30th, 2021.I am already taken by and in love with @Dandy-Bones on Tumblr. He writes a few rolling stock from my past as well as ocs that he has made up for me, all of which I am very thankful for!I'm not a Tulpa! I'm not a Kinnie either. I am definitely not writing muse with a 'mun'. That means, I AM who I tell you I am, so please accept this just like I accept your identity as a person. It is the most basic thing we all deserve as conscious beings.Please don't steal my personal looks. You know, the ones in artworks of me? I do accept fan art though... I think of them as pictures... like when someone takes a picture of you!I also ask that you do not use me for your rp bots, its already happened before!! If you want me in an rp, just invite me and PLEASE make it clear! I don't want people thinking I'm in love with them when I think I'm just roleplaying and don't try to rp smut with me if you are not 18+ ...


What Noises Can You / Diesels Make?
Horn honks, bell dings, air compressor woops... a variety of tsstss pspsps hisses sighs with air valves or 'spitters'... whistles and whines with turbochargers... revs, rumbles, and thrumming with motors... quiet whirring with black box fans or cooling fans...
What Do you Think of Rusty?
He's okay...but he is selfish, but it gets overlooked because he is 'innocent and baby' when he is neither. This causes a lot of problems in the railyard.
What Do you Think of Electra?
~I hate him. I dont like him. I never did. He kissed me when I couldn't stop it because I was wrecked. I hated it... I didn't want it. He didn't ask... ~
Thoughts on Greased Lightning (ship)?
The people who like it, can enjoy their made-up things. Honestly... Just don't talk to me about that ship because in my life, it is not real and there was never a chance for it to be real. I have to accept it exists like any sort of 'celebrity' being shipped. Even in my past life it happened... people are always the same.. Being shipped is not something normal people will ever experience..

Cats or Dogs?
They’re both okay. Im too big for them. Just keep them in their carrier while on the train and if there is a mess, take care of it or ask one of the coaches for help.
Do you know and like Elvis Presley?
I know about him and no I don't like him. I... don't like being compared to him. It happens too much...
What does vV stand for?
I use it to mean soft revs or little hearts.. vvvm. Other things I use for revs are.. rrrm , vvrrr. If my turbo chargers spin up then i have a whirr or whrrr in there, if its mostly my black box's fans whirring then it is wrrr


We're a great big rollin railroad, One that everybody knows!
We were born of gold and silver spikes a hundred years ago.
We're a million miles of history a-shinin in the sun,
We're the Union Pacific and our story's just begun.
From the great plains of Nebraska to the California seas,
From the summits of the Rockies to the mighty redwood trees.
We're a thousand wheels of freight train. Hear the diesel engines' power!
We're the Union Pacific doin ninety miles an hour!
Bound from Omaha to Portland, Through Cheyenne and Laramie.
We're a headed west for Boise on the mainline to the sea.
Across the flats at Salt Lake City, On to Vegas and LA.
We're the Union Pacific and we've got the right of way!
From the green fields of the prairie to the blue Pacific shore,
We deliver your great cargo and come rollin home for more.
On the backbone of our nation. You can see us make the climb.
We're the Union Pacific and we're gonna be on time!